Thursday, 15 May 2008


Update on the previous post. is quite useful, I no longer have to look for the newspaper to see whats on the tube..May be or will be coming next on this site.Atleast I would love to have the events microsite and an RSS feed for it.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Do you want to discuss this topic?

Anyone who reads blogs and has even the slightest technology orientation will discover in a short while how many web 2.0 companies are starting up each day. Therefore there are websites that track new web2.0 start ups.I think off late even that number is growing out of bounds.I already have 10 of them in my feed reader.

Most of the new start ups have something to do with social networking - new way of intruding into friends' lives,share videos with them, create social profiles,chat with them on IM from your socially powered blog, share music with friends of similar interests, inform them about mind numbing boring activities you did via text messages.. and the list goes on.. How about a site which takes your email and just disconnects you from all your friends on various networks an anti social app where you can make foes and not friends!! Does it sound boring?If yes it is because I am bored of seeing how my friends throw paris hilton at each other or super poke themselves or pimp their pictures..give me a break.Where are the real companies, which help me get things done faster.The last one I know came more than 10 years ago. Yeah OK this here and this one have made life more fun but am hoping for more.

Meanwhile I have added one more 'useful' social web2.0 gadget to this blog. Its called disqus, you can now freak out on my blog's comment section with full blown discussions based on my rants.